Types of Accommodation
Independent Living
Independent senior living is for older adults looking for an active, engaged lifestyle free of day-to-day chores. Seniors can continue to enjoy their privacy and freedom without the hassle and responsibility of owning and maintaining their homes. Suitable for people who need more privacy and freedom.
Assisted Living
Assisted living is for older adults who value their independence, but need some assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, transportation and medication reminders. Seniors may live in their own suites or with a companion and are relieved of household chores such as laundry, cooking, and cleaning.
Fully furnished, specially-designed living spaces create an inspiring environment for people to interact and share experiences. The biggest value of joining a coliving space is access to the community. Co-Lliving also happens to be less expensive than other options for most people. So this is most suitable for people with economical constraints.
Memory Care
Our memory care services are focused firmly on the individual. Dementia slowly interferes with one’s mental ability to manage everyday life. Our memory care services create a safe and stimulating environment for those with dementia, including its most common form, Alzheimer’s.
Short-Term Guest-Care
Guest care for the elderly is a short-term stay in a senior living community. It is often suggested for seniors who are recovering from a hospital visit or other health circumstances. It’s also available for caregiver vacations or senior living trial periods. Depending on the community, our respite care services are available for a variety of care levels, including assisted living, memory care.
In-Place Care at Home
We offer personalized health and homemaker services supervised by professional home caregivers. We bring our senior home care and compassion to wherever the senior resides- their private residence, senior living community, nursing home, hospital or hospice.
We provide ALL services you need in old age!
We cover all the main issues of old age, viz.
1. Assistance with activities of daily living,
2. Planned and Emergency Medical Care,
3. Loneliness / Psycho-emotional Issues,
4. Household Chores,
5. Home Maintenance.
We try to address all the difficulties of old age in a methodical and scientific way to take care of physical and emotional issues by integrating technology, automation and human touch.

We assist with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
The “small things” of care are particularly important in ensuring that care is genuinely supportive of the individual, and enhances that person’s autonomy and well-being. The humanity with which assistance is offered, especially help with eating and intimate care, is crucial in helping the person retain their self-esteem and dignity.
ADLs are generally divided into two categories: basic ADLs (skills needed to take care of personal needs e.g. Eating, Bathing or showering, Grooming, Walking, Dressing and undressing, Transfers, Toileting) and instrumental ADLs (skills needed to function within the community and society e.g. Housework, Financial management, Shopping, Preparing meals, Communicating with the outside world, Medical management).
We take care Planned and Emergency Medical Care Need
Sir James Sterling Ross commented, ‘You do not heal old age. You protect it, you promote it and you extend it’.
Ageing is a natural process, which presents a unique challenge for all sections of society. An ageing population tends to have a higher prevalence of chronic diseases, physical disabilities, mental illnesses and other co-morbidities.
Common conditions in older age include hearing loss, cataracts and refractive errors, back and neck pain and osteoarthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, depression and dementia. As people age, they are more likely to experience several conditions at the same time.
Older age is also characterized by the emergence of several complex health states commonly called geriatric syndromes. They are often the consequence of multiple underlying factors and include frailty, urinary incontinence, falls, delirium and pressure ulcers.
Preparation for ageing can help with the process. Although many health problems are common with advancing age, people can take specific steps to preserve health and stay active. Getting older does not have to involve rapidly declining health, sadness, and isolation. Instead, older people can purposefully move forward to age successfully, enjoying retirement and redirection away from the energetic pursuits of youth.

We address Loneliness / Psycho-emotional Issues
There may be multiple risk factors for mental health problems at any point in life. Older people may experience life stressors common to all people, but also stressors that are more common in later life, like a significant ongoing loss in capacities and a decline in functional ability. Mental health has an impact on physical health and vice versa. For example, older adults with physical health conditions such as heart disease have higher rates of depression than those who are healthy. Additionally, untreated depression in an older person with heart disease can negatively affect its outcome.
Common psychological issues affecting older adults may include, but are not limited to, anxiety, depression, delirium, dementia, personality disorders, and substance abuse. Common social and emotional issues may involve loss of autonomy, grief, fear, loneliness, financial constraints, and lack of social networks.
These psychosocial issues can also have an impact on and contribute to physical health. Psychosocial factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, social isolation, and poor relationships have been associated with an increased risk of hypertension, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.
We help with Household Chores
Household chores might seem a drag, but researchers have suggested tasks like dusting, scrubbing floors and washing the windows might help adults to stay healthy into old age.
But for many seniors, keeping up with the house chores becomes more and more difficult, as they age. Medical conditions, injuries, declining health and many other factors increase problems for them. They may struggle to clean the house or yard.Such situations clearly show that the older adult needs help. In this case, hiring caregivers is an ideal option. We can help seniors with following household chores.
Cleaning & Organizing – Our caregivers can help seniors with cleaning and housekeeping. They can do tasks like dusting, vacuuming and sweeping. They can change linens and make beds as well as organize and clean closets to make it easier for seniors to get things. They can even drop off and pick up dry cleaning.
Meals – Our caregivers can assist older adults with meal management by preparing grocery lists and cook for them. They can also check food expirations and ensure there is enough food in the house. They may also escort seniors for grocery shopping, errands and appointments. If needed, they can accompany seniors to lunch or dinner to get them out of the house every occasionally.

We offer help with Home Maintenance
Home maintenance services are those which can help elderly people deal with the need for internal and external home repairs, improvements and adaptations. We offer help with repairs, adaptations and improvements to older people. Elderly disabled people also sometimes need help to maintain their garden, or undertake small household jobs like changing taps or light fittings, putting up shelves or curtain rails, or replacing door or window locks. Our categories of services are-
Hygiene (Residential cleaning, Office cleaning, Retail- shopping mall cleaning, Construction site clean ups, Move-in & Move-out Cleaning).
Electrical (Rewiring, New installations, Power faults, Telephone points, General repair works).
Appliances (Washing Machine Service, Air Conditioner, Ceiling Fans, Water Coolers, Aquaguards).
Plumbing (Sanitary fixtures, Repairs of burst, Leaking pipes fixtures, Blocked drains, Shower/ pumps repair).
Carpenter (Civil Repairs, Flooring or false floors, Ceilings or false ceilings, Furniture Repair, Make Overs).
Landscaping (Landscaping consultancy, Landscaping maintenance works, Plant rotations, General horticulture services, Basic Consultation).
Additional (Sump and tank cleaning, Pressure washing for walls, Generator maintenance, Specialized cleaning, Shampooing and Polishing).
Do what you like most!
We will handle the rest!

How does it work?
Step 1: You take our membership. We work as your NEXT-OF-KIN.
Step 2: You choose an accommodation model [Your Home OR Community Home]
Step 3: You deposit a security amount.
Step 4: We find a suitable package and partner based on your choice.
Step 5: You pay a monthly fee for the package for 1 year.
Step 6: We coordinate and audit that you get proper services.
Step 7: You evaluate the service at the end of each year.
Step 8: We repeat the process from Step 4 for each year for your satisfaction.
Step 9: If you don’t like us as your NEXT-OF-KIN, you can unsubscribe from our membership and we refund your security deposit.